in 1891 Charles W. Engelhard was appointed Heraeus' representative in the United States
Charles W. Engelhard
1867 - 1950
logo's of Quarzlampen GmbH and of the Hanovia Ltd. lamp division at Slough, Buckinghamshire, England
logo's of Quarzlampen GmbH and of the Hanovia Chemical and Manufacturing Company in Newark, New Jersey, USA
Hanovia UK
Hanovia USA
In 1891, the brother-in-law of Wilhelm Heraeus,
Charles W. Engelhard, had been appointed Heraeus'
representative in the United States and soon,
cooperating with the works at Hanau, he became
the leading figure in the U.S. platinum industry. Over
the years he build himself an imperium with interests
in concerns that were engaged in the melting and
refining of platinum, gold, silver and their associated
metals, in the fabrication of various commercial and
scientific articles utilising these materials and in
their marketing all over the world. Just like, or maybe
due to, Heraeus he also was involved in sunlamp
production. In 1905 Engelhard incorporated Hanovia
Chemical and Manufacturing Company in Newark,
New Jersey and in 1924 the Hanovia Ltd. lamp
division was established at Slough,
Buckinghamshire, England. Both companies
produced sunlamps in close cooperation with
Quarzlampen GmbH and their common roots can
easily be determined from the similarities in their
early logos.