W.A.V. Radius-Therm
The phenomenon of light has not been understood
for thousands of years. In 1672 Isaac Newton
revealed his hypothesis about the behaviour of light
in which he stated that light consisted of small
particles. This theory was contradictory to that of
Christiaan Huygens who, in 1678, revealed his
undulation theory in which he stated that the
behaviour of light was comparable with that of a
wave. In the end it turned out that both were partly
right. In contrast with sound, which propagates as a
pure wave, light (and any other form of
electromagnetic radiation) behaves not only as
radiation but also as a wave. A balanced
explanation that included both properties, emerged
no earlier than the twentieth century with the
development of quantum mechanics.
A human being needs daylight for an optimal performance and that fact largely defines
the application area of artificial sunlight appliances: Bringing light to places and in
periods where nature cannot bring it, in order to increase our live- and work space.
The application area of artificial light is comprehensive. From lighting to create a
daylight situation in which we can work, travel or relax to lighting that allows for
complicated internal surgery or, subject of this viseum, light that was intended to have
a specific positive influence on our health, like the green light for supposed mental
relief as produced by the W.A.V. Radius-Therm on display here.