the HMF Minframatic was a motorized chicken grill that could be converted into an armature to hold a mercury vapour arc discharge sunlamp unit with quartz tubes, a Kanthal heat element or a dull radiator
the HMF Minframatic was a motorized chicken grill that could be converted into an armature to hold a mercury vapour arc discharge sunlamp unit with quartz tubes, a Kanthal heat element or a dull radiator
the HMF Minframatic was a motorized chicken grill that could be converted into an armature to hold a mercury vapour arc discharge sunlamp unit with quartz tubes, a Kanthal heat element or a dull radiator
HMF Minframatic, a motorized chicken
grill that could be converted into an
armature to hold a mercury vapour arc
discharge sunlamp unit with quartz tubes,
a Kanthal heat element or a dull radiator.